Let's talk networks
The key to business success is investing in long-term business relationships and networks. Your alumni network is a vital component for your corporate strategy and business relationships. Join Martine Davies, the founder of Strategic Relationships and Networks, weekly as she shares tips, tools and strategies and to help you get the best return on your corporate alumni network and community management.
Let's talk networks
What is a corporate alumni network and why does it matter? (Episode 1)
Martine Davies
Season 1
Episode 1
The world of work has changed. Employees have an average tenure of 4.1 years before moving on from your organisation. How do you maximise the time, effort and training you have invested in your people after they leave your organisation?
This episode introduces the concept of corporate alumni networks and why it's important for your organisation. Hear about the 5 R's or 5 pillars which explain why a corporate alumni network matters and the benefits it can bring to your business.